Welcome to the Website for the Pioneer Fire Company No. 1
The Pioneer Fire Company is an all volunteer fire company located in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and has been devoted to serving the residents of Jenkintown Borough and its neighboring communities since 1884.
On Wednesday, March 19 the volunteers of the Jenkintown Fire Department responded to two vehicle related emergencies; a vehicle collision and a vehicle fire.
The second incident, a vehicle fire at Wyncote Rd. and Washington Ln. required the use of our 1.75" bumper attack line from Engine 99-1 to extinguish the fire.
One occupant of the vehicle was transported by ambulance to a local hospital with ... (Full Story & Photos)
The members of the Jenkintown Fire Department who responded to the SPS Technologies fire in February were honored by the Jenkintown School Board during their meeting on Monday, March 17. The Pioneer Fire Company wishes to thank the School Board for this great evening. We also wish to thank our mutual aid partners who joined us on this evening as well as our colleagues from the Jenkintown Police Department. ... (Full Story & Photos)
On Monday, February 17 members of the Pioneer Fire Company responded to the SPS Technologies structure fire on Highland Ave. in Glenside as a mutual aid company to assist the Weldon Fire Company. Engine 99-1 and Traffic 99 responded and operated for the duration of the night. Engine 99-1 had the primary task of providing a water supply to the elevated master streams which were operating while the ... (Full Story & Photos)
In the month of January, the department responded to 35 calls for service. The department responded to 11 reported building fires as well as one vehicle rescue, and two natural gas responses. Crews were in-service for nearly 21 hours. These calls included mutual aid responses into Abington and Cheltenham Townships. In January we received mutual aid into the borough from companies from Abington, Cheltenham, ... (Full Story & Photos)
This past weekend members of the Jenkintown Fire Department completed the Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) training course offered through the Bucks County Community College Public Safety Training Center. This 16-hour course is designed to provide firefighters with the knowledge and skills to perform rescue techniques to remove trapped or lost firefighters. This course concluded with a full weekend day ... (Full Story & Photos)
This week members of the Jenkintown Volunteer Fire Department conducted forcible entry training. During some emergencies, our dedicated volunteers must be able to gain access to properties through locked or obstructed doors. These skills are invaluable, as speed and efficiency is vital for us to gain access and perform our requisite tasks during an emergency.
Please join us this Thursday, October 10 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM and visit the Jenkintown Fire Department between our two stations, located at 609 and 700 Greenwood Ave.
Come out and meet Jenkintown's dedicated firefighting personnel and take a look at our equipment!... (Full Story & Photos)
At our September monthly meeting, members of the Pioneer Fire Company honored Nick Mumenthaler in the receipt of his life membership card in recognition of 25 years of active service. Nick joined the Pioneer Fire Company in the mid-1970's and served faithfully for many years. Nick relocated in the 1990's and continued on in the fire service serving the residents of Horsham as a member of the Horsham ... (Full Story & Photos)
Safety Officer Mumenthaler (L) receives his life membership card from President Bachman (R).
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